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Our Activities

Our institution carries out different activities on a regular basis in order to fulfill its aims and objectives, among them are the following:

  1. Edit works that cover all the issues inherent to the integral development of human beings and universal knowledge.

  2. Celebrate agreements and exchanges of friendship and mutual aid with other national and international cultural organizations.

  3. Undertake practices and exercises, based on our anthropological, philosophical and mystical investigations, that contribute to realizing the capacity to capture nature and the cosmos more objectively within man, as taught by the ancient disciplines of the great cultures of the past.

  4. Celebrate periodic conferences, congresses, meetings, reunions and retreats at national and international level.

  5. Investigate and study the different schools of philosophical, mystical, scientific and artistic thought of the famous personalities of all times and places.

  6. Conduct courses and seminars to disseminate the aforementioned knowledge. As the foundations of our institution rest upon the respect of the free will of the people, all the activities carried out by the members of our associations are always voluntary.

Our institution, as a cultural association present in a large number of countries, has developed several international events since its formation, namely:

  • International Congress celebrated in Vienna (Austria) in 1990.
  • International Congress celebrated in New York (USA) in 1992.
  • International Congress celebrated in Quebec (Canada) in 2000.
  • International Congress celebrated in Brasov (Romania) in 2004.
  • International Congress celebrated in Agra (India) in 2008.
  • International Congress celebrated in Foz de Iguazú (Brazil) in 2012.
  • International Congress celebrated in Atibaia, Sao Paulo (Brazil) en 2019.

We conclude by affirming solemnly and in honor of the truth that our institution has only one purpose: to investigate and share with our fellowmen, with seriousness and scientific rigor, the universal wisdom of all times, the knowledge that allows the modern man to form a vision of his existence that is more humane and more conscious and, consequently, more transcendent.

See also