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Declaration of Principles

  1. AGEAC, aware of that the freedom of man rests upon the pillars of knowledge, will always seek for nourishment with the wealth of the human knowledge expressed in different times and latitudes, further comprising that the truth is not exclusive to any people, any religion nor any culture, but a part of them all.

  2. AGEAC does not tolerate any kind of doctrinal fanaticism, nor is it prone to the cult of personality in any of its manifestations.

  3. AGEAC instills as principal virtue the free will of the people, proclaimed against dogmatism to enslave the human being.

  4. The Association declares to be fully apolitical, thus AGEAC will never mix its teachings nor participate in any tendencies of political nature.

  5. The Association is not identified with any particular religious ideology, but rather encourages the study of all faiths and religions of the whole world because it recognizes in all of them the sincere search for truth.

  6. AGEAC is and will always be a philanthropic institution, it will sustain mainly with the voluntary contributions of its members and never will the profit or the acquisition of possessions be among its objectives.

  7. Our institution respects and will always respect the free human thought. For this reason all the doctrinal postulates of AGEAC may be freely accepted or rejected by all its members.

  8. AGEAC, as humanistic Association, will not in any way seek to proselytize, since the love for truth is to emerge on its own in the heart of the people and not by means of pressure.

See also