Dear investigator friend, AGEAC welcomes you to the Hindustani Gnyana, the Greek Sophia, the millennial knowledge owned by the great cultures of the past. A revealing knowledge that has allowed man to know the raison d’être of his own existence…
You are now in the vestibule of the sanctuary of Wisdom, in that sanctuary where men of the stature of Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, Solomon, Homer, Pythagoras, Plato, Socrates, Hermes Trismegistus, Dante Alighieri, etc., studied and practiced.
The path ahead of you is enormously rewarding but you must know that it will not be easy, because to aspire to wisdom is one thing, but to persevere in your search all your life, until you find it, is something very different.
There are two great obstacles you will have to face:
On one hand, the huge carousel of opportunities and sensations that life offers you –necessary or not– that together tend to monopolize the time of men and women.
On the other hand, a great showcase of teachings, many of them even linked to the principles of kindness, freedom, happiness…, but that will engender considerable doubts in you, because you will not know which of them participates in the truth.
But to overcome those impediments, remember also two very important things:
Living just for the sake of living, without trying to answer oneself who am I, where do I come from, where am I going, what is the objective of my existence, practically is like having the eyes closed, without wanting to open them. And with the hand on your heart, answer yourself: can there be anything sadder in life than wanting to continue in the dark?
Only a practical knowledge that allows the student to verify for himself its precepts and statements can take us out of the confusing labyrinth of theories. A teaching that does not have a practical application in life is nothing other than a simple exercise of the thought that leads to nothing.
But if you, dear reader, have come this far because Wisdom is sweet to your soul and you believe that there is something more in life than to be born, to grow up, to grow old and die; then, we invite you to take the shield of your faith and advance with determined step, either in favor of the wind or against all winds … However, always remember: “It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.” –Seneca.
Ignoranti, quem portum petat, nullus suus ventus est.
«No wind is favorable for he who does not know to which port he goes.»